Friday 7 October 2011

bee dazzle

alamat dan lokasi bee dazzle

ari selasa aritu dah jumpa dengan kak iffa (owner bee dazzle)
we were discussing on theme colour and concept
discuss punye disscuss tapi x bawak deposit pon.
tapi kak iffa kate xpe..hehehe x malu

so ni pamplet bee dazzle yang valid till end of this year.
check it out~~~~~

senarai pakej and harga - valid till end 2011
nape terbalik?? utk dapat saiz tulisan yang besarrrr

 p/s: gambar x clear sebab scan pastu baru apload.

kt bawah ni ade service-service lain yang kite
bole dapat kt bee dazzle 
hall package and other services

bee dazzle ni nuha x penah dengar cite dari memane b2b
takot tu ade jgk....
tapi nk buat macam mane. we must trust our wedding planner.
klu takot sangat......buat sume sendiri from a - z.

hopefully sume ok as our wish and imagination...

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