Wednesday 26 October 2011

guest book corner

mari kite tengok hasil tangkapan google images tentang guest book corner

google image 1 - guest book corner

ape yang perlu ada kalau nak diy corner macam image 1:

few frames
flover vase 
table cloth
and guest book itu sendiri

google image 2 

yang ni pon lebey kurang same jugak:

sepasu bunga
guest book
table cloth
frame besar
and kayu ala-ala dinding untuk hangkan frame

google image 3 - tak practicable sebab guna lilin. abes padam lilin kena tiup dek angin 

google image 4 - quite simple

google image 5

my checklist for this diy project

1 ) white table xyah table cloth kot ;p
2) picture frames 
3) guest book (in progress)
4) pen glass
5) 2 pasu pokok (macam kt bawah ni)
6) deco bowl (macam kt bawah)
7) guest book corner sign

google image 6 - another diy projects

google image 7 - deco bowl (with no candle)

i just bought these 2 frames yesterday for RM5
murah kan...like3
i need another 2 or 3 frames

frames for guest book corner

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