Tuesday 1 November 2011

xde pasal cari pasal

rasenye macam last week or last two weeks kami da decide nk theme colour ape
untuk majlis bertandang
ade kt entry ni
 warna yang kami da setuju ialah kuning dan kelabu

google image 1 - current agreed color

semalam tangan ni gatal menggoogle kt google image
navy blue and hot pink  <--- not really hot pink plak font color ni
mari scroll down
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google image 2 - navy blue + hot pink

google image 3 - navy blue + hot pink

google image 4 - navy blue + hot pink

google image 5 - navy blue + hot pink

google image 6 - navy blue + hot pink

alamak macam mane ni??
mungkin boley revise ape yang kami da decide
opinions & suggestions???


  1. Hi awak.

    If I were u, i will stick to the original agreed colours dear. yellow and grey goes nice together believe me!

    the other one pun cantik but it has no wow effect since ramai orang buat pink nowadays.

    just my 1 cent :)

  2. thanks yuyu..love ur opinion sooo much :)


Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda ke blog Nuha. Komen-komen positif dan membina adalah amat dialu-alukan. Terima kasih.