Thursday 20 October 2011

cake stand

last time when my brother's wedding,
there was no cake stand.
and i just noted bout that mase majlis potong kek.
macam ade yang x kene je dgn cake atas meja tu..

google image 1 - cake stand

....xde stand untuk cake rupenye.
learning from experienced. 

my wedding planner can prepare the cake stand for some RM.
i was just ok at first sebab malas nak pikir.
but then cancel the cake stand rental sebab nk diy sendiri. cececeh...

google image 2 - runtuhan kek kawen

bay in mind if the cake stand is not concrete enough to stand my cake
the above situation might happen ait.
scary me!!!

i did googling and googling and got this image
very simple diy cake stand

google image 3 - glass cake stand

made of short glass vase together with the glass piece.
simple kan. pastu dalan vase tu boh bunga atau pape yg kite suke

google image 4 - the base of cake stand

semalam nuha masuk kedai RM5 ----> HINODE SHOP
jumpa this type of glass bowl. lebey kurang la.
tapi glass dia sangat la nipis. yet dia x jual satu satu.
kalau nk beli kena beli 2 bijik tros. pandai diorg business kn
so i spent RM10 for 2 bowls.

google image 5 - rupa paras bowl saya

skang ni glass bowl da ade..tinggal nak cari kepingan kaca tu je. yey
tapi bile pikir-pikir balik macam x stable la plak klu just guna 2 bowls.
kalau 3 lagi stable kot kan??
ish..nak kene beli lagi 1 nih

google image 6 - just like my imagination

google google lagi jumpa gambar nih.
macam tau-tau je.
my idea is exactly like this. like3

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