Friday 21 October 2011

my scrap book

as a cute but not dwarf category..haha
i definitely facing a problem with my busana 
so most probably sume wedding cloths nk kena custom baru ikut saiz yg berkenaan
iaitu saye la tuh >.<

i did some reading from majalah pengantin and it is suggested for b2b to have a scrap book just for the designs of your wedding attire. <--- those yang nak custom baju baru la kn.

ini fungsi dia nanti bile kite jmpa and discuss dgn designer/ tailor
bole la kte bagitau mane yang kite suke
contoh: saye nak macam ni..pastu macam ni, tapi xnk macam ni tau!!!
macam makcik joyah
and they can give comment immediately. 

my cute & lovely scrap book <3

note book ni nuha da beli lame. RM10 
just x menyempat2 nk potong2 gambar yang bekanan and tampal dalam buku ni

jom tengok what's inside 

nuha's scrap book 1

nuha's scrap book 2

nuha scrap book 3

and this is my collections yang terkorban ke dalam scrap book :)

my majalah2 yang belum banyak :)

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