Monday 31 October 2011

bath scale

petang semalam pas kelas terus ajak my sister p watsons
kebetulan dia pon baru balik kelas
motif ke watsons??

saye mahu beli BATH SCALE
kena la ade bath scale sebab ade misi ni.
so skang ni da wujud bath scale kt rumah untuk monitor beratku

google image - rupa paras bath scale saye

cari-cari gmbar bath scale kt google jumpe gambar bath scale ni. sangat comel
mari bersemangat menambah berat badan!!!

google image 2 - suke bathscale ni

Saturday 29 October 2011


memula nk taip entry pasal my OP.
tetibe my colleague kecoh-kecoh pasal dia ade saman PDRM

nuha nak check jugakla...
klik2 MYEG...
key in ic and vehicle no


melayang...duitku terbang lagi..
benci betol

Friday 28 October 2011

again: supplement vitamin


i asked one of my classmate (she is a doctor)
"doktor..saye nak tambah berat badan, ape yang saye patut makan?"
sambil memicit2 tangan yang keding
"makan la PHARMATON..dia da ade semua yang badan kite perlu" - pharmaton caplets

Khasiat Pharmaton Multivitamin:
Pharmaton Caplet adalah campuran Ginseng, multivitamin, mineral dan unsur surih yang berkesan keatas metabolisma badan, menambah kesihatan dan memulihkan tenaga fizikal, mental dan meningkatkan keupayaan untuk menentang gangguan kepada kesihatan. Supplement nutrient didalam pharmaton membekalkan keperluan untuk golongan tua dan muda.
ade 3 types of packaging
i bought the cheapest one
RM12 for 10 caplets
tu pon ibunda belanje. hehe

ala-ala trial pack.
mari cuba selama sebulan.
lets wait and see the result!!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

guest book corner

mari kite tengok hasil tangkapan google images tentang guest book corner

google image 1 - guest book corner

ape yang perlu ada kalau nak diy corner macam image 1:

few frames
flover vase 
table cloth
and guest book itu sendiri

google image 2 

yang ni pon lebey kurang same jugak:

sepasu bunga
guest book
table cloth
frame besar
and kayu ala-ala dinding untuk hangkan frame

google image 3 - tak practicable sebab guna lilin. abes padam lilin kena tiup dek angin 

google image 4 - quite simple

google image 5

my checklist for this diy project

1 ) white table xyah table cloth kot ;p
2) picture frames 
3) guest book (in progress)
4) pen glass
5) 2 pasu pokok (macam kt bawah ni)
6) deco bowl (macam kt bawah)
7) guest book corner sign

google image 6 - another diy projects

google image 7 - deco bowl (with no candle)

i just bought these 2 frames yesterday for RM5
murah kan...like3
i need another 2 or 3 frames

frames for guest book corner

Tuesday 25 October 2011

bertandang theme

macam biasa nuha still terfikir2 nk pilih warna ape untuk majlis bertandang
and its 4sure mine one will rare from others.  weks ;p
last semester break me and hubby ade melawat few bridal houses.

kitorang ade try fit beberapa pasang baju
konon nak tengok kaler mane yang match. 
hubby suke warne silver/ grey

google image 1 - grey wedding theme

nuha kate 'alaaa....da ramai sangat pengantin pakai kaler silver'
skang memang musim silver theme kowt??

google services please~~~~
mari tengok grey combination yang masih rare among the brides

google image 2 - grey and yellow

google image 3 - yellow hand bouquet 

the yellow hand bouquet looks really fresh kn??
lets scroll down for some more pictures

google image 4 - grey + yellow

google image 5 - the centerpieces

google image 6 - yellow and grey

google image 7 - grey bridemaids

google image 8 - the combination

so what do you think??
the decision has made 

Monday 24 October 2011

oyster shell

i started hunting for this type of oyster shell. 

oyster shell yang berpenutup ;p

konon-konon nk letak barang hantaran dalam cengkerang tu
google google supplier tapi x jumpe. cmne nih?? 

mase selak2 pesona pengantin ade jumpa deko hantaran guna cengkerang oyster ni. x pasan which edition
simple..xyah nk deko banyak2 dah. dengan kate lain
reduce time consumption. 
i kan working lady and yet a student. mane banyak mase.
kan kan. heks ;p

gelap ini gambar

ini macam terlebih nur pulak

so back to the main issue...
mane nk cari cengkerang ni??
i wouldn't mind if it just artificial shell. in fact artificial shell can last longer than pure shell.

can you see that??

mungkinkah bole cari kt situ....???
mungkin bole try jalan-jalan kat sana kot

Sunday 23 October 2011

wedding cake

mari bercerita tentang tajuk entry di atas

besekan bile kite amek catering services diorang ade bagi free wedding cake when we reach certain harga kn.
mase my brother's wedding, kita amek busu kami as caterer
(which is my mom's youngest bro)
busu x sponsor kek. sediakan meja kek je.
but then our cousin a.k.a anak busu ade hadiahkan kek

so i think it will be the same with mine nanti
mari tengok kek-kek yang macam saye suke

google image 1 - lovely wedding cake

google image 2 - fun

google image 3 - sweet

google image 4 - exactly like my wedding concept

google image 5 - yummy

i prefer not to choose fondant wedding cake
fondant cakes look really beautiful and sweet and cute and looks yummy...
but the taste is...
 everybody knows the taste of fondant cake ait. 
x yah cite
and yet the price is much more than other cakes.

tapi terpulang la ikut selera masing-masing kn..
lain orang lain taste ;)

goole image 6 - red velvet

fruit cake - my bff sister's wedding 

semalam nuha ade cari cake maker for melaka area
tapi tah kemana plak list tu.
will post my list later k...

Friday 21 October 2011

my scrap book

as a cute but not dwarf category..haha
i definitely facing a problem with my busana 
so most probably sume wedding cloths nk kena custom baru ikut saiz yg berkenaan
iaitu saye la tuh >.<

i did some reading from majalah pengantin and it is suggested for b2b to have a scrap book just for the designs of your wedding attire. <--- those yang nak custom baju baru la kn.

ini fungsi dia nanti bile kite jmpa and discuss dgn designer/ tailor
bole la kte bagitau mane yang kite suke
contoh: saye nak macam ni..pastu macam ni, tapi xnk macam ni tau!!!
macam makcik joyah
and they can give comment immediately. 

my cute & lovely scrap book <3

note book ni nuha da beli lame. RM10 
just x menyempat2 nk potong2 gambar yang bekanan and tampal dalam buku ni

jom tengok what's inside 

nuha's scrap book 1

nuha's scrap book 2

nuha scrap book 3

and this is my collections yang terkorban ke dalam scrap book :)

my majalah2 yang belum banyak :)

Thursday 20 October 2011

cake stand

last time when my brother's wedding,
there was no cake stand.
and i just noted bout that mase majlis potong kek.
macam ade yang x kene je dgn cake atas meja tu..

google image 1 - cake stand

....xde stand untuk cake rupenye.
learning from experienced. 

my wedding planner can prepare the cake stand for some RM.
i was just ok at first sebab malas nak pikir.
but then cancel the cake stand rental sebab nk diy sendiri. cececeh...

google image 2 - runtuhan kek kawen

bay in mind if the cake stand is not concrete enough to stand my cake
the above situation might happen ait.
scary me!!!

i did googling and googling and got this image
very simple diy cake stand

google image 3 - glass cake stand

made of short glass vase together with the glass piece.
simple kan. pastu dalan vase tu boh bunga atau pape yg kite suke

google image 4 - the base of cake stand

semalam nuha masuk kedai RM5 ----> HINODE SHOP
jumpa this type of glass bowl. lebey kurang la.
tapi glass dia sangat la nipis. yet dia x jual satu satu.
kalau nk beli kena beli 2 bijik tros. pandai diorg business kn
so i spent RM10 for 2 bowls.

google image 5 - rupa paras bowl saya

skang ni glass bowl da ade..tinggal nak cari kepingan kaca tu je. yey
tapi bile pikir-pikir balik macam x stable la plak klu just guna 2 bowls.
kalau 3 lagi stable kot kan??
ish..nak kene beli lagi 1 nih

google image 6 - just like my imagination

google google lagi jumpa gambar nih.
macam tau-tau je.
my idea is exactly like this. like3

Monday 17 October 2011

aishhhh..MUA conflict

kalau refer kt last entry pasal MUA,
nuha dah finalize nk amek kak my mua

google image - mua

bestnye kalau x wujud 'tapi' dlm dunia ni kn

for some reasons..nuha nk cancel dengan kak farrah
and amek kak salima.
untuk x terus pikir2 dah pasal mua ni
nuha dah bayar deposit terus pada kak salima.
habis cerita.
hubby pn xtau lagi pasal ni

to kak farrah..i am really really sorry...

guest book II

projek guest bermula...
refer kt entry ni
nuha nk guest book kami mcm gambar bawah ni

google image 1

memule cari template envelope kt henternet.
sangat banyak design.
i choose this.

google image 2 - envelope template

pastu print, potong and tampal template atas board/ kertas keras
template envelope saye

pastu trace atas colored paper....

trace atas colored paper

potong..lipat dan gam.
dan ini hasilnye.....

begini rupenye..comel kn

 i just done the sample.... the rest
my sister yang tolong trace, gunting and gam..

Saturday 8 October 2011

kaki petik

kaki petik? petik ape?? sape petik???
actually mase engage dulu my sister tolong carikan OP for the event
so kaki petik ni name OP kami..
merangkap adik nuha punye kawan punye kawan pertalian hubungan yg jauh

dah 5 bulan lebey engage baru nk review gambar tunang

kaki petik 1

kaki petik 2 - wit my siblings and neighbour 

kaki petik 3

kaki petik 4 - family to be

kaki petik 5 - ehem. this is my fiance

banyak lagi gambar tapi x sempat2 nak upload
bz konon